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Enjoying the last day with the final presentations and farewell dinner
It was a day like other days but very different from all the days when we had our final presentations and also the last dinner together.At first everyone had to choose their best picture and also tell the major reasons for choosing that picture.This time,some of the...
Agroecology workshop
Today we had a theoratical workshop/lesson about agroecology. It was presented by a local farmer whos job it is to educate farmers about agroecology. At first we got introduced to the topic with a graphic about the population rise and the problems coming with it....
Learning about the role of the village health teams
The students were able to learn the role of the village health teams.They were told that these health teams help in sensitising the commmunity about diffrerent things.eg,telling the people on anti retroviral drugs to go and pick them in time and also to tell thee...
<span;>Day 7 <span;>Today we had a lokal herb day. The grannys from Pefo made time for us to show us local herbs, wich they are using for tea, medicine and also for soap. At first they told us what all the herbs are being used for and how they are called...
Swimming as a health activity at the beach(coconut beach)in Busia
We woke up and we had our break fast at 8:20am After our break fast we had a reflection moment together with the German students and also knowing what we should improve next week and after reflection,some students joined Mr Ojambo Justin to learn how to rear and catch...
Friday,13|10| 2023
It was really a nice day that we enjoyed.on this day we went to the TASO office In jinja town. Students were able to learn more about aids and got to know the founders of TASO. The Germany students learnt the ways how people get aids and knew the prevention of the...
Wow, what a day!
Today was our first day of really exploring Uganda. After a delicious African breakfast we did a long bicycle tour through the villages, leat by some natives. It started with a dance at a church service. Even though we’re surely not that great dancers, we felt very...
Tag 4 – Independence Day 61
Today was a special day for Uganda and we celebrated it with the Holy Cross Lake View S.S.S. - it was Uganda 61 - we heard it a lot while the day. In October 9th 1962 Uganda got independent from Great Britain. During this celebration ceremony they also celebrated the...
School Day 🙂
Today we went to the school of Patricia. We were able to attend different classes there and experience everyday school life. It was very different from the school in Germany because they used different materials and there were many students in one class. It was a good...
Our trip to Uganda – first day
Our day started really early. We met at 7:30 at the Hamburg airport, where we started our journey sleepily. We landed in Turkey at 2 p.m. and spent the afternoon there. We finally get on the plane to Uganda at 6:40 p.m. Only the landing in Ruanda, where everyone was...
It was a balmy Saturday morning when the German students were given a warm welcome by the Ugandan students. This was after a long period of about a year since everyone met his/her friend face to face. Indeed everyone one saturated with happiness seeing each other...
Vorfreude steigt – auf zum Viktoriasee
In wenigen Tagen ist es so weit und unsere große Reise kann beginnen. Schon im vergangenen Herbst besuchten uns 10 Schüler*innen aus Jinja, Uganda, mit zwei Begleitpersonen von PEFO. Nach vielen Eindrücken und spannenden Erlebnissen hier in Lüneburg, steht vom 06. bis...